Monday, December 13, 2010

who's preaching?

What comes to mind when you hear this question? If you are like most, immediately your mind sees a man on a stage behind a pulpit sermonizing to a listening audience. Why? Where do we get this practice from?

To the astonishment of many, this practice (along with nearly every other practice in organized church services) has unbiblical and pagan roots. Yet, many well meaning pastors and teachers participate in this performance week after week. For most preaching a sermon on Sunday is a necessary event. In fact, the sermon is the central portion of protestant worship services. This is due to the understanding that the gospel (good news) must be preached because news only comes through words. This is true, but if weekly prepared sermons were Gods intended vehicle for the proclamation of Jesus Christ, why is it absent from the New Testament record of early church gatherings?

I believe that preaching (speaking, telling) the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done is a necessary response to the life changing power of the gospel for every believing follower of Christ. Every believer should tell the good news to everyone they come into contact with, believer and unbeliever alike.
The gospel changes lives and only by preaching the gospel (good newsing) will lives be changed. I long to see church gatherings where the gospel is preached not by one paid professional, but by everyone who has experienced the transforming power of Christ for themselves.

Lets good news one another instead of having one who good newses all the others.


  1. This is a great article! I hope more and more people begin to think seriously about what the NT says about the church and how the church should meet together. Then, of course, I hope they actually start meeting like that.

    I thought you might be interested in a series that I wrote about a year and a half ago on "Preaching in the Old Testament." Here's a link to the introductory post, and there are links to the others posts at the bottom of each post. As a follow-up, I also wrote about "Preaching in the Apostolic Fathers."

    By the way, there are several big problems that I see with the modern practice called "preaching." 1) It takes away the right and responsibility of all believers to edify one another when they meet together. 2) It changes and distorts what the NT actually says about preaching.


  2. I have a problem with pointing to pagan roots as a reason for not doing something. As in Pagan Christianity, I think this is a weak argument. A stronger argument flows from what God's Word specifically says should be done. Lecturing the Bible by a hired expert is not there in clear words. Some verses are spun to make it say that. But there are very clear passages that talk about one another expression and mutual participation for the gathering of believers.

    A stronger argument is to out the verses that are twisted or forced and show they do not designate what they are said to say. Such as does "preach the Word, in season and out of season" really mean "lecture the Word, in season and out of season, no laymen talking, no questions, no objections, no additions, no participation whatsoever..."? The obvious answer is no way does it say that at all. But that is exactly what is done and expected.

    Always give scripture in your assertions. I know you have them. Don't hide them. Put them out boldly. God's Word is where the authority and impact is found, not your preferences or opinions.

  3. Alan thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

  4. Tim, you're right. I should do a better job of pointing out the scriptures that have convinced me of these things. Thanks for the rebuke. I love you for it.


As in a biblical church gathering, my word is not complete or final. Participation is allowed, encouraged and expected. Please, don't leave without adding something.