Saturday, April 2, 2011

Okay, joke's over

Many of you already knew, my post yesterday was a joke.  Just a small part of the fun of April Fool's Day.  I'm not going to be blogging about plumbing.  If you visited yesterday and fell for it, lost interest, and decided to never read my blog again I understand.  I wouldn't want to read a blog about plumbing either.  If you are disappointed and really have plumbing questions, I will be happy to answer them if you email me.  Just click on the "how to contact me privately" page in the right column.

On a more forward note, its looking like I will keep my blog name as it is.  I do resolve to make some changes.  The changes I plan to make are in regards to what I write about.

The more I continue on this journey the more I realize that what needs to be broken down are not institutions and organizations but our own carnal ambitions.  My flesh needs to be deconstructed.  My ego needs to be crucified.  My reliance on doing things under my own strength needs to be crushed.  This, I believe, is key to the problems I discern in the institutions.  The personal drives to do something and build something for the Lord without first coming to the point where we have reached an end to ourselves have resulted in us building things for ourselves, apart from Him.  Redemption and reformation will not come through deconstructing buildings and programs, it will only come through the deconstruction of ourselves.

Okay, thats enough for now.  I'll elaborate on more of this in the future and share my own decontruction with all your curious eyes.  Thanks for your participation in the poll and your prayers on our behalf.

May your joy increase as God reveals Himself to us in ever-increasing and marvelous ways.

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